The Grommet Tradeshow Booth
Modular roadshow for the maker revolution
When The Grommet, a leader in citizen commerce, decided to launch a new wholesale business line, we were delighted to continue our collaboration with the company. The Grommet didn’t need to expand its offices, but to take its wholesale efforts on the road, it did need a reusable, easily transportable tradeshow booth — and a good-looking one at that. How do you design a tradeshow booth for a company that is dedicated to innovative product design? For Analogue Studio, the answer was to work in close partnership with The Grommet team to understand its needs. First, we reviewed the entire process of shipment, setup, and strike to determine what rigors the booth would have to withstand. Then, we looked at adaptability: To what existing dimensions and conditions would the booth have to conform? After gathering this information, we finalized our design and worked with a customer furniture maker to fabricate a lightweight, modular booth that serves as a proud reflection of The Grommet’s mission.