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    Outdoor event space on Williamsburg waterfront

    Loomscape transforms a former industrial site in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn into a vibrant landscape for outdoor concerts, events, and everyday recreation. With a large expanse of cracked asphalt surrounded by chain link fencing and nondescript warehouses, Analogue Studio wanted to bring the feeling of a green park to the underutilized location — but to do so in a way that would ring true to the grit of the neighborhood. At the entrance of the site, we designed two large, artificial hills that provide sloped terrain for people to relax, nap, or pitch a picnic. During events, the hills become an amphitheater from guests can view the performance. In front of the hills are outdoor ping pong tables, volleyball courts, and soccer pitches. To bring shade to the space, Analogue Studio created a modern pergola (called SUPERgola) with patterned, mesh panels. Visible from a distance, the SUPERgola structure also helps to identify Loomscape as a landmark. Along the perimeter, we conscripted the chain link fence as a canvas for hundreds of colorful plastic ‘reeds,’ which bring vitality to the space and create the feeling of a modern garden wall.


    Brooklyn NY